A Theater-based Approach

Theater is heightened communication that educates across cultures and gender.  Ideas are shared, human behavior is examined, values are explored, political and provocative statements are made.   The story must be engaging, thought provoking and compelling.  There always is an audience, and they need to be moved, inspired to think and feel, tell their friends about it and come back for more.  Or else the box office will fail.

As a professional stage actress, I was expected to deliver a compelling performance, eight times per week.  Good acting is about being real, natural and authentic. The skills that the actor employs to be effective are the same skills that are needed on “the stage of life”.   These are:   Voice, presence, breathing, being in the moment, authenticity, connecting, listening, rhythm, use of language, clarity of intention,focus, timing, and projection to mention but a few.  Training in these theater skills allows leaders to stand with confidence in their message and move towards a place where their presence and presentation skills are rewired through practice and they become extraordinary speakers in every context.
